NANA: Výroky z epizody 36

Osaki Nana:Neměla jsem si ten mobil vůbec pořizovat. To já jsem celý noci pryč a nikoho se neptám, jestli mu to vadí. Nelíbí se mi, že mě napadá, že je Hachi sobec, když jí nestojím za to, aby se mi ozývala. Já jsem si za živýho Boha nepřála, aby mi takovej nanicovatej přístoj vyměřoval míru mý bolesti.
36 BLAST's New Song!! (0:00)

Osaki Nana:Doesn't she even have a mobile phone? Even though I was the one who spent the night out without telling her anything... Hachi didn't even send me an e-mail... And the thought she is a really selfish woman was stuck in my mind. It's not as if I wanted to test how strong our feelings for each other were by using a simple communication device, yet...
36 BLAST's New Song!! (0:00)

Yasu:Nana and Shin from our band grew up without being loved by the people close to them. I don't want them to think that this world is only about money and fame. Because they will find out on their own eventually.
36 BLAST's New Song!! (10:00)

Osaki Nana:You know, Hachi... That time when you were swept away by love... Could it be that we felt the same way? I wonder if you were trying to feel complete too. If it was like that I understand your feelings a bit. That new life that you are trying to protect... Does it make you feel complete?
36 BLAST's New Song!! (20:35)

Osaki Nana:Víš ty co, Hachi? Tehdy, když ses tak topila ve veliké lásce, jsi třeba tak jako já zápasila s pocitem nedostatku uspokojení. Jestli je to pravda, tak alespoň částečně chápu, jak ses cítila nepochopená. Dal ti alespoň trochu pocitu uspokojení ten život, který jsi tehdy tolik bránila?
36 BLAST's New Song!! (20:35)

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