NANA: Výroky z epizody 9

Hachi (myšlenky):Nana měla na paži vytetovaný květ rudého lotosu. Tehdy jsem ještě samosebou nemohla mít tušení, jaký je vlastně jeho význam.
9 Nobu Arrives in Tokyo! NANA's Song. (0:00)

Hachi:And I'm hungry too, I really should've bought something in the first place.
Osaki Nana:Ah, forgot to tell you, I ate it, that hamburger. Very delicious, thank you.
Hachi:You ate it by yourself? That's mean!
NANA ukáže na pytlík s nápisem: To Nana there's a gift from Hachi.
Osaki Nana:Didn't you write "eat this" on here?
9 Nobu Arrives in Tokyo! NANA's Song. (3:40)

Mizukoshi:Abych nezapomněl, Hatchi...
Mizukoshi:K tomu budíku...
Hachi:Spravil jste ho?
Mizukoshi:Jo. Dá se to tak říct. Ten budíš totiž funguje, až když se do něj dají baterky.
9 Nobu Arrives in Tokyo! NANA's Song. (6:10)

Hachi (myšlenky):Ale nemusím se přece vídat se Shojim každý den jenom proto, že teď žiju v Tokiu. Ano, jasné to je, ale přece je mi smutno. Měla jsem přece jenom včera u Shojiho přespat. Shoji začne zanedlouho pracovat a k tomu ještě chodit do školy. Potom bude mít ještě míň času. A já už taky chodím do práce. A po práci je člověk často tak strašně unavený. Asi se nakonec nebudeme moct vídat tak často. Život asi vážně není vůbec snadný.
9 Nobu Arrives in Tokyo! NANA's Song. (9:35)

Hachi (myšlenky):From now on, Shoji will be working while he goes to school. He'll get busier and busier. And I have my own job, too. Indeed, after being at work, it'll be difficult. I'll try to make some time to see him. Really, it won't be easy for our lives to turn out the way we want.
9 Nobu Arrives in Tokyo! NANA's Song. (9:50)

Hachi (myšlenky):The scary truth is... Aren't I actually fortunate? But I don't have the true feelings within my hands. Why? What do I want after all? The time spent with Shoji, those cute clothes and little presents, fashionable furniture and rooms, they all are very important, but I'm still not satisfied. Am I being too greedy?
9 Nobu Arrives in Tokyo! NANA's Song. (10:25)

Hachi:Wow, it hurt a lot when you got the tattoo, right? That's awesome! I even got scared when piercing my ears.
Osaki Nana:If it's worth the pain, then it's okay.
Hachi:I see.
Osaki Nana:It gives you feeling of "I'm really alive."
NANA se zasměje.
9 Nobu Arrives in Tokyo! NANA's Song. (14:15)

Osaki Nana se chystá zpívat v bytě 707.
Osaki Nana:Ah? Come on! Only one guest here tonight? Guess I have no choice. Well. Everything starts out like this. One person is enough.
Osaki Nana:Good evening, we're Blast! Welcome to our first Live in Tokyo.
Hachi:Good evening...
Osaki Nana:I'll give you an unforgettable night.
NANA mrkne na Nanu. Ta se začervená. Nobu začne hrát.
9 Nobu Arrives in Tokyo! NANA's Song. (19:15)

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