Hachi:To this day, I still can't forget that night. You were singing along in broken English to the song that didn't even have lyrics yet.
Hachi:It was like I was taken in by some mysterious incantation. I was mesmerized by your voice.
Nana (film). (0.30:25)

Nana večer volá Shojimu.
Hachi:What am I going to do? I was fired from my job. I'm unemployed!
Hachi:They knew that they were going under but the manager thought I was cute, so he hired me for just a month without telling me!
Hachi:Can they do such a thing?
Shoji:That's terrible.
Hachi:I want to see you! Right now!
Shoji:Sorry, I can't. It's late. I'll go see you in the morning.
Nana (film). (0.40:40)

Hachi:You really do need ambitions in life.
Nana (film). (0.44:10)

Osaki Nana:Říká se, že hádat se můžou pouze velcí přátelé. Ale nakonec je hádka soubojem dvou individualit, který se nedokážou pochopit, i když vyjeví svoje pravé city. Mám dojem, že není možný, abyste nikomu v životě neublížili. Myslela jsem si, že se musím snažit, abych neubližovala lidem kolem sebe. Fakt jsem si to hodně dlouho myslela.
38 The Trigger of Fate. (0:00)

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